Schedule of vaccination for selected native chicken breeds of MD1.BĐ, MD2.BĐ and MD3.BĐ

Days of ages Type of vaccine Way of vaccination Dosage Prevention of diseases
1 days Marek Inject under the neck skin 0.2 ml/chick Marek
4 days ND - IB (live) Drop into the eyes and noses 1 drop/chick Infectious cholera, bronchitis
7 days Fowl pox Stab wing pellicle 1 injection/chick Fowl pox
Gumboro (first time) Drop into the mouth 1 drop/chick Gumboro
9 days Debeaking      
14 days Avian flu (first time) Inject under the neck skin 1/2 dose/chick A H5N1 avian flu
Gumboro (second time) Drop into the mouth 1 drop/chick Gumboro
21 days ND - IB (live) Drop into the mouth 1 drop/chick Infectious cholera, bronchitis
ND (dead) Inject under the neck skin 1/2 dose/chick Cholera
56 days ND - IB (live) Drop into the mouth 1 drop/chick Infectious cholera, bronchitis
ND (dead) Inject under the neck skin 1 dose/chick Cholera


1/ The schedule of using antibiotics and vaccines above is applied for the chicks which are not in use of Coccidiosis vaccines.

* If the chicks are in use of Coccidiosis vaccines, please apply the following schedule:

- On the 3rd day of age, use Scoc vac3 vaccine and 1 floating vial to mix with filtered water, with the following dose:

       1 Scoc vac3 vial and 1 floating vial to be mixed with 5 liters of filtered water for 1,000 chicks to drink.
Time amount for drinking is 4-6 hours.

+  Before letting the chicks drink the liquid mixture of Coccidiosis vaccine, prevent the chick from drinking any water within 2 hours.

+  During the period from the first day to the 21st day after the chick drink Coccidiosis vaccine, do not let the chick drink any Coccidiosis medicine.

+  During the period from the first day to the 21st day after the chick drink Coccidiosis vaccine, do not replace the floor filler layer of the chicken house.

+ The schedule of using antibiotics applied for these chicks is the same as above but remove all Coccidiosis medicines such as: Totrazuril, Amprolium, and other Coccidiosis medicine types.

2/ If there is a high risk of avian flu in the region, the second injection should be performed on 28th day of age (the time amount between the second injection and the first injection is 14 days).

3/ Spray disinfectants twice a week for the entire area both inside and outside the chicken house.

4/ For vaccines, depending on the raising regions, choose the appropriate vaccine type and vaccines-using schedule for the chicken flock.